Toronto Japanese Language Exchange Inquiry!

Thank you for connecting with us at the Japan Study Abroad Network (J-SAN)!
We are happy to meet you and support your dreams of studying in Japan.

At J-SAN, we are officially partnered with a vast number of schools across Japan, including Japanese language schools, specialized colleges, universities, and more.

As such, we are able to offer complete support, including support to find the best school based on your goals, help through the school and visa application process, and all other preparation for coming to Japan… for free!

Please kindly fill out the form below, and a friendly counselor from our team will get in touch with you to get the ball rolling:

    First and middle name(s)*

    Family name(s) *

    Email *

    Confirm email *

    Sex *

    Date of birth *

    Nationality (same as passport) *

    Your objectives (check all that apply)

    In terms of your schedule, when do you think you'd like to come to Japan? *

    What programs are you interested in?:

    Feel free to tell us more about your dreams and goals in Japan:

    Purpose of Collecting and Use of Personal Information:We are collecting this information about you solely for the purposes of contacting you and providing you the information that is most suitable and relevant to your study, work or live abroad objectives. The information collected about you in this form is for internal purposes only, will be kept confidential & secure at all times, and will not be shared with any other 3rd-party organisation without your explicit consent. When you submit this form to us, you will automatically be sent an email copy containing the same information for your records. For any queries regarding the personal information collected about you, please email us at japan[at]

    DEOW Japan > Toronto Japanese Language Exchange Inquiry!