YAMASA Institute

Apply now for:
October 2024
Deadline to apply:
May 2024
YAMASA Institute
  • Recommended for Westerners

    The school’s curriculum has accounted for students who need more time and support to learn Kanji, etc.

  • Wifi Available

    Rest assured that this school has wifi available.

  • Higher Education Counselling

    This school provides specialized counseling to prepare and apply to colleges and universities after graduation.

  • Dormitories Available

    This school introduces affordable shared living spaces.

  • Apartments Available

    This school introduces private apartments.

  • Homestay Available

    This school introduces local Japanese families where students can live while studying.

  • In-School Activities

    This school organizes regular interactive & cultural activities in the school.

  • Out-of-School Activities

    This school organizes out-of-school day-trips, excursions and events throughout the year.

  • Student Lounge

    Space outside of the classroom is available for students to interact casually and/or study.

*Click each feature for details

School Introduction

For more than 25 years, The YAMASA Institute has been located in Okazaki, Aichi Prefecture, Japan, and has had visitors from many countries in Asia, the Middle East, Russia, North and South America, Europe and more than 80 countries around the world. The school strives to provide education that meets the objectives of each individual's Japanese language learning and emphasizes diversity.

Total Number of Students: 100
Class Size: 7-15
Enrolment Terms: April, July, October, January
Minimum Course Duration: Short Term: 2 Weeks / Long Term: 3 Months

Main Features

Small class sizes
The school maintains small class sizes with a maximum of 7 students for short-term and 15 students for long-term programs.The school can therefore support its students with personalized and attentive learning advice.
Team-teaching system
Each class is a team-teaching system consisting of 4.5 teachers. By learning from a variety of teachers, students can develop more advanced listening and responding skills in Japanese and never get bored.
Secure accommodation
There are a number of low-cost dormitories within walking distance of the school buildings, with a variety of room types to choose from. For international students, the difficulties of contracting accommodation and commuting to school can be eliminated.

School Location

Okazaki City in Aichi Prefecture is located almost in the center of Japan. Okazaki City has an old history and culture. Tokugawa Ieyasu from Okazaki City unified Japan during the Warring States period, and there are many historic temples and shrines, including Okazaki Castle. It is also a scenic city with many parks and nature areas. Hatcho miso and fireworks are among Okazaki’s specialities, and you can experience real Japanese cultures close at hand. In terms of living, you can spend your time quite comfortably. Everything you need for living is within walking distance, while you can save on living costs compared to urban areas. You can go to Nagoya in 30 minutes by train and to Osaka, Kyoto and Tokyo in about 2 hours by Shinkansen so it is easy to visit metropolitan areas.


The school is located near the Okazaki station where you can find some restaurants and small parks.


Nearest Station:
Okazaki Station (10-minute walk)

Available Courses

  • AIJP - Long Term
  • SILAC - Short Term

AIJP - Long Term

Course Description

Academic Intensive Japanese Program: this course is for those who want to acquire solid Japanese language skills, such as those aiming for higher education or employment. Students learn the four skills of speaking, listening, writing and reading in a well-balanced manner.


  • 1

    2-year course

  • 2

    1 year and 9 months course

  • 3

    1 year and 6 months course

  • 4

    1 year and 3 months course

  • 5

    1-year course

  • 6

    9 months course

  • 7

    6 months course

  • 8

    3 months course

Enrolment Periods & Duration

Intake Duration Application Start Date Application Deadline
April 3 Months ~ 2 Years Early September

Early November

July 3 Months ~ 2 Years Early December

Early February

October 3 Months ~ 2 Years Early March

Early May

January 3 Months ~ 2 Years Early June

Early August


Morning and afternoon classes:

  • Morning classes are held from 09:00 to 11:50 (Monday to Friday)
  • Afternoon classes are held from 12:40 to 15:30 (Monday to Friday)

Course Features & Electives


    Preparatory class for the JLPT N1 and N2


    For students that want to pass the entrance exam of a Japanese university


    Japanese for business or other formal situations


    Intensive focus on either speaking, listening or reading


    Focus on Chinese characters in Japanese language

Tuition Fees

Tuition fees
3 Months ¥261,800            →   from July 2024     ¥331,150
6 Months ¥486,200            →   from July 2024     ¥539,900
9 Months ¥666,600            →   from July 2024     ¥748,650
1 Year ¥847,000            →   from July 2024     ¥957,400
1 Year 3 Months ¥1,027,000         →   from July 2024     ¥1,166,150
1 Year 6 Months ¥1,207,800         →   from July 2024     ¥1,374,900
1 Year 9 Months ¥1,338,200         →   from July 2024     ¥1,583,650
2 Years ¥1,568,600         →   from July 2024     ¥1,792,400



Other fees
Screening fee ¥30,250            →   from July 2024     ¥33,000
Textbooks Included in tuition (from July 2024)

Because our counselling service is free,
the tuition fees listed here will be the same as the school’s original tuition fees.

SILAC - Short Term

Course Description

Short Intensive Language Acquisition Course
This course is designed for those who want to improve their Japanese conversation skills efficiently in a short time. Classes are divided into beginner and intermediate levels and this course is also suitable for first-time learners of Japanese.

The program duration is 2~12 weeks, but it can get extended.

Enrolment Periods & Duration

Intake Application Deadline
Every Friday



Morning and afternoon classes:

  • Morning classes are held from 09:00 to 11:50 (Monday to Friday)
  • Afternoon classes are held from 12:40 to 14:30 (Monday to Friday)

Course Features & Electives


    Focus on inflection, intonation, pronunciation in cases where it can change the meaning of the word/sentence


    Kanji classes are offered for beginner and intermediate level


    Japanese business manner and etiquette classes are offered for intermediate level

Tuition Fees

Tuition fees
2 Weeks ¥96,800              →   from July 2024     ¥123,200
3 Weeks ¥119,900            →   from July 2024     ¥151,800
12 Weeks ¥327,800            →   from July 2024     ¥409,200



Other fees
Textbooks Included in tuition (from July 2024)

 Weekly tuition from week 3 onwards is ¥23,100

Because our counselling service is free,
the tuition fees listed here will be the same as the school’s original tuition fees.

Student Demographics



North America




South America




Middle East of Asia


Our Free Services

We aim to support all students who are interested in coming to Japan to study & live.
For this reason, we provide all of these services at not cost to you.
  • School & Visa
    Application Support

  • Free Japanese
    Language Lessons

  • Accommodation

  • 24-Hour
    Emergency Assistance

For free information & consultation about this and other schools in Japan

    We will respond to your inquiry within 2 to 3 business days. Please check your spam folder if you do not see our email in your inbox.

    First and middle name(s)*

    Family name(s) *

    Email *

    Confirm email *

    Sex *

    Date of birth *

    Nationality (same as passport) *

    Country of residence *

    Current Japanese level *

    Highest level of education

    Your objectives

    In terms of your schedule, when do you plan to come to Japan to study? *

    Tell us more about your dreams and goals in Japan, as well as any other preferences or requests that you may have.

    How did you hear about us?

    Purpose of Collecting and Use of Personal Information:We are collecting this information about you solely for the purposes of contacting you and providing you the information that is most suitable and relevant to your study, work or live abroad objectives. The information collected about you in this form is for internal purposes only, will be kept confidential & secure at all times, and will not be shared with any other 3rd-party organisation without your explicit consent. When you submit this form to us, you will automatically be sent an email copy containing the same information for your records. For any queries regarding the personal information collected about you, please email us at japan[at]deow.jp.

    DEOW Japan > Schools > YAMASA Institute