Hattori Nutrition College

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April 2024
Hattori Nutrition College
  • Career Support

    Counselors are available to provide specialized support for full-time employment after graduation.

  • Dormitories Available

    This school introduces affordable shared living spaces.

  • Apartments Available

    This school introduces private apartments.

  • In-School Activities

    This school organizes regular interactive & cultural activities in the school.

*Click each feature for details

School Introduction

The Hattori Nutrition College offers a training course based on "shoku iku" 食育 - a concept crated by the president, Yukio Hattori. The kanji can be translated to ‘food for the benefit of the people’. In this way, food is a way to cultivate our body and mind, and students at this college are trained as both nutritionists and chefs who create delicious food while taking full consideration of health, safety, and the environment.





Note that this school’s courses are all offered in Japanese only.

Total Number of Students: 40~260
School Staff Support Languages: Japanese

Main Features

Hattori Nutrition College is proud to be teaching this forward-thinking manner and firmly believes that people especially in the 21st century ask themselves both if this food is delicious but also if this food is healthy and good for one’s body. Hattori also believes that passion & excitement are the driving forces to discover and open the hidden doors of your personal potentiality from which you grow, and the aim in everything one does at this school is to cultivate & stimulate your passion for food.

School Location

Nearest station: JR Yoyogi Station (Toei oedo line)
Distance from station: 3-minute walk

Nearest station: Shinjuku 3chome Station (Tokyo Metro Fukutoshin line)
Distance from station: 3-minute walk

Since this school has an excellent access to Shinjuku gyoen, whenever you need a nice and fresh air, you are ready to go. In addition, there are many convenience stores such as Family mart and 7-11 nearby the school.

Available Courses

  • Nutrition Course
  • Culinary Course
  • Culinary High-Tech Business Administration Course
  • Culinary Patisserie & Boulangerie Course
  • Japanese Cuisine Master Course

Nutrition Course

Course Description

A nutritionist has to coordinate people’s diet. To coordinate ones’ diet, a wide range of knowledge in addition to understanding food and nutrition are required. Hattori Nutrition College lectures teach “what is health?” to “nutrition to maintain health” based on providing various experiments and practical trainings.

Enrolment Periods & Duration

Day classes, 2 years, 150 students total

Culinary Course

Course Description

A chef is so-called a creator, who makes people happy with his/her technique and a sense through the many years of experience. Practical training and lectures are provided to acquire this capability. After a 1 year course, it is possible to obtain a cooks license and able to work on site as an integrated, practical, and work-ready cook.

Enrolment Periods & Duration

Day classes, 1 year, 260 students total

Culinary High-Tech Business Administration Course

Course Description

In the first year, students learn a foundation from all the areas. In the second year, students will select a cooking practice out of the four courses (Japanese, Western, Chinese or Confectionery/Bakery) and learn in detail about each category to be able to create cooking beyond the field.

Enrolment Periods & Duration

Day classes, 2 years, 120 students total

Culinary Patisserie & Boulangerie Course

Course Description

In Hattori Nutrition College as a professional school of Culinary and Confectionery, it is possible to obtain cooks license to work in pastry shops, bakeries, hotels and restaurants. In confectionery course, students learn from basic (measuring ingredients) to practical training (e.g. decoration technique).

Enrolment Periods & Duration

Day classes, 1 year, 40 students total

Japanese Cuisine Master Course

Course Description

The “Japanese Cuisine Master Course” specializes in Japanese food training including kaiseki cuisine, multi-course meals, and chopstick dishes. This is a practice-focused special course in which the best cooks in the industry direct you as a special instructor. Learn the latest technologies, know-how and senses, such as how to select and combine seasonal materials. A Japanese cooking course offered to current Hattori students and / or alumni students is recommended for those who aim to be an upscale cook.
*This is a special course that only current students or graduates can take.

Our Free Services

We aim to support all students who are interested in coming to Japan to study & live.
For this reason, we provide all of these services at not cost to you.
  • School & Visa
    Application Support

  • Free Japanese
    Language Lessons

  • Accommodation

  • 24-Hour
    Emergency Assistance

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    DEOW Japan > Schools > Hattori Nutrition College