EHLE Institute Japanese Language School

Apply now for:
October 2024
Deadline to apply:
End of May 2024
EHLE Institute Japanese Language School
  • Recommended for Westerners

    The school’s curriculum has accounted for students who need more time and support to learn Kanji, etc.

  • Wifi Available

    Rest assured that this school has wifi available.

  • Part-time Job Support

    This school introduces part-time job opportunities so you can work while studying.

  • Higher Education Counselling

    This school provides specialized counseling to prepare and apply to colleges and universities after graduation.

  • Career Support

    Counselors are available to provide specialized support for full-time employment after graduation.

  • Dormitories Available

    This school introduces affordable shared living spaces.

*Click each feature for details

School Introduction

The EHLE Academy was founded in 1967 in Osaka City with the mission of "fully empowering ones dreams", and accordingly, teachers and school staff take an invested interest in their students, support and nurturing their growth. Therefore, the Ehle Academy is not only a prestigious Japanese Language School with a high quality of education, but also stands out with the achievements of its students, who go on to enter such institutions as the University of Tokyo, Kyoto and Osaka, achieve high grades in JLPT Japanese proficiency exams, and successfully obtain employment with support from the job application course. Moreover, Ehle Academy offers specialized support related to the study plan and daily lives of its international students.

Total Number of Students: 192
Class Size: Max 20 Students
Japanese Level Requirement: JLPT5 or higher, JtestF: 250 points or higher, NAT level 5 or higher
School Staff Support Languages: English, Vietnamese
Enrolment Terms: January, April, October
Minimum Course Duration: 3 months

Main Features

Various Student Support Systems
The school provides various support to its students, including introducing jobs, providing information about scholarships for admission, proving scholarships of its own for excellent students. In this way, Ehle Academy is not only famous for its school size, quality and amount of teaching, but for the support of the lives of its international students, which include specific sessions about Japanese life: bicycle riding, insurance, bank accounts, mobile phones, internet, and Japanese work culture. Personalized Job introduction is also given to students based on their needs and capacity.
And outstanding rate of exam acceptance
The academy is recognized for the outstanding achievements of its students, namely that 8,000 of their students, which is nearly 100%, passed the university entrance exams and were admitted. For many consecutive years, the number of their students who enter & eventually graduated universities and graduate schools, is a pride of the school, and a testament to the quality and prestige of the teaching.
A variety of courses with a specific, professional teaching system
The typical teaching methods of this school, include a classroom model with both a class leader and a teacher in charge to be able to monitor and support promptly, providing an all-encompassing explanation of the Ryugaku test and Japanese Language Proficiency Tests and administering these at the school, while providing professional & highly-qualified teachers.

School Location

The Namba area, where this school is located, is a major entertainment district in Osaka where stations for JR trains, private railways and subways all converge. You will be amazed by how many restaurants are around the school, all competing with each other on price and flavor. You can walk to Dotonbori and other popular tourist attractions. There are also numerous shops within a 10-minute walk, and the ward office and post office are located close by, making it convenient for daily life and shopping. Nearest station: Namba Station (7-min walk)

Available Courses

  • Higher Learning Preparation Courses
  • Art Course
  • Japanese Companies’ Employment Course
  • Short Term Courses

Higher Learning Preparation Courses

Course Description

Prepare to enter Japan’s best schools and universities.

With 50 years of experience in preparing students for entry into top academic institutions, EHLE has created a proven and effective education program that includes daily tests so that the student can measure his or her own achievements and areas to be worked on, as well as rigorous preparation for EJU (Japanese university entrance exam for international students), TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) and all types of interviews. Moreover, the students will improve their Japanese language communication skills to the highest level and will be prepared to pass the JLPT (Japanese-Language Proficiency Test) N1 or N2 and will benefit from a scientific education taught by eminent professors as well as individualized career guidance based on skills and interests.


Available courses:


  • The University of Tokyo, Kyoto University, Osaka University Course
  • National and Public University Preparatory Course
  • Graduate School Preparatory Course
  • General School Preparatory Course

Enrolment Periods & Duration

Intake Duration Application Start Date Application Deadline
April 1 year / 2 years Early September

Late November

October 1.5 year Early March

Late May

Morning and afternoon classes:

Universities and Graduate School Preparatory Courses

  • Morning classes are held from 8:30 to 12:20 (Monday to Friday)
  • Afternoon classes are held from 13:25 to 16:45 (Monday to Friday)

General School Preparatory Course

  • Morning classes are held from 9:00 to 12:20 (Monday to Friday)
  • Afternoon classes are held from 13:25 to 15:00 (Monday to Friday)

Course Features & Electives


    A quick quiz is given before classes every day to help student identify their strengths and weaknesses


    Get prepared for English language required by universities or schools.


    Prepare for JLPT 3 to 1 by learning everything you need in order to pass the exams successfully.


    Intensive conversation courses to get prepared for the chosen academic institution entrance exams interviews and presentations.


    One-on-one preparation classes specifically designed according to the student’s institutions choices.


    Students receive career counseling from their class mentors, tailored to the student’s wishes and abilities.

  • EJU PREPARATION (university courses)

    In order to get a high mark for EJU, the course focuses on Japanese reading, writing, listening, grammar and vocabulary.


    Focus on the entrance exams on the student’ main courses.

Tuition Fees

Tuition fees
APRIL TERM (1 year)
Tuition fees
OCTOBER TERM (1.5 year)
The Univ. of Tokyo, Kyoto Univ., Osaka Univ. Preparatory Course


(- ¥20,000 if paid at once)


(- ¥30,000 if paid at once)

National and Public University Preparatory Course
Graduate School Preparatory Course
General School Preparatory Course
Screening fee ¥20,000 ¥20,000
Registration fee ¥70,000 ¥70,000




General School Preparatory Course: ¥35,000




General School Preparatory Course: ¥52,500

Because our counselling service is free,
the tuition fees listed here will be the same as the school’s original tuition fees.

Art Course

Course Description

Learn the art of “capturing” the essence of an object and portraying it, bring your character designs to life, express yourself through art and create your own comic book as you go along. The Art Course gives you a foothold in the creative and design industry and will even give you priority application to Osaka Sogo College of Design! Furthermore, this course ensures a high quality preparation if you want to enter a Japanese university or Vocational School and challenges you to pass the JLPT N1 or N2. Finally, benefit from individual career guidance specially tailored to your goals.

Enrolment Periods & Duration

Intake Duration Application Start Date Application Deadline
April 1 year / 2 years Early September

Late November

October 1.5 year Early March

Late May

Morning and afternoon classes:

  • Morning classes are held from 9:00 to 12:20 (Monday to Friday)
  • Afternoon classes are held from 13:25 to 15:00 (Monday to Friday)

Course Features & Electives


    Writing, reading, speaking and listening skills will be thoroughly enhanced alongside your vocabulary and grammar abilities.


    Learn how to achieve your goals by learning the best methods and the right path to follow


    Get fully prepared for JLPT exams from N3 to N1 and take regular quizzes.


    Learn how to draw and how to capture the essence of an object or organic entities.

  • ART 1 “COMIC”

    Learn how to bring to life comic’s characters by drawing expressions, global posture and movement understandable by an audience.


    Create from A to Z a children’s book through Japanese techniques, experimenting the full process and assuming the responsibilities of all the involved parts in a production of a work of art.

Tuition Fees

Tuition fees
APRIL TERM (1 year)
Tuition fees
OCTOBER TERM (1.5 year)
Art Course


(- ¥20,000 if paid at once)


(- ¥30,000 if paid at once)

Screening fee ¥20,000 ¥20,000
Registration fee ¥70,000 ¥70,000





Because our counselling service is free,
the tuition fees listed here will be the same as the school’s original tuition fees.

Japanese Companies’ Employment Course

Course Description

If your ambition is to work in a Japanese company, the EHLEC’s Japanese Companies’ Employment Course is made for you. With 100% placement rate in International Business/Communication Course for the last 5 years, this course immerses you in the Japanese business world and teaches you about its culture and manners alongside expert instructors. Improve your Japanese to a business level, benefit from individual coaching by a specialized career coach, discover new talents and skills in the afternoon technical classes with the idea of making yourself desirable or even indispensable to a Japanese company.

Enrolment Periods & Duration

Intake Duration Application Start Date Application Deadline
April 1 year / 2 years Early September

Late November

October 1.5 year Early March

Late May

Course Features & Electives


    Enhance all your writing, reading, speaking and listening skills and develop at the fullest your vocabulary and grammar abilities.


    Business in Japan has its own manners and customs and this course will help you learn the basics.


    Develop current skills and build new ones to turn you completely essentials for all the businesses you are aiming for.


    Learn basic PC skills (Microsoft Word, Excel, Powerpoint etc.) and presentation skills usually required in companies.


    In order to do job-hunting effectively you must first learn to understand how companies and businesses work in Japan.


    Get career counseling from a specialized coach or from mentors in order to find a job in Japan.


    Get all the necessary keys in order to get a job in Japan.

Tuition Fees

Tuition fees
APRIL TERM (1 year)
Tuition fees
OCTOBER TERM (1.5 year)
Japanese Companies’ Employment Course


(- ¥20,000 if paid at once)


(- ¥30,000 if paid at once)

Screening fee ¥20,000 ¥20,000
Registration fee ¥70,000 ¥70,000





Because our counselling service is free,
the tuition fees listed here will be the same as the school’s original tuition fees.

Short Term Courses

Course Description

Maximize your Japanese communication skills in the fastest time possible with the Short Term Course. For three months, you will take the same courses as EHLE Long Term Course students and improve all four areas of language skills: reading, writing, listening and speaking.

Enrolment Periods & Duration

Intake Duration Placement Test
October Mid October – Late December Early October
January Early January – Late February Early January

Morning and afternoon classes:

  • Morning classes are held from 9:00 to 12:20 (Monday to Friday)
  • Afternoon classes are held from 13:25 to 15:00 (Monday, Wednesday and Friday only)

Tuition Fees

Tuition fees




Because our counselling service is free,
the tuition fees listed here will be the same as the school’s original tuition fees.

Student Demographics









Hong Kong






Our Free Services

We aim to support all students who are interested in coming to Japan to study & live.
For this reason, we provide all of these services at not cost to you.
  • School & Visa
    Application Support

  • Free Japanese
    Language Lessons

  • Accommodation

  • 24-Hour
    Emergency Assistance

For free information & consultation about this and other schools in Japan

    We will respond to your inquiry within 2 to 3 business days. Please check your spam folder if you do not see our email in your inbox.

    First and middle name(s)*

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    Current Japanese level *

    Highest level of education

    Your objectives

    In terms of your schedule, when do you plan to come to Japan to study? *

    Tell us more about your dreams and goals in Japan, as well as any other preferences or requests that you may have.

    How did you hear about us?

    Purpose of Collecting and Use of Personal Information:We are collecting this information about you solely for the purposes of contacting you and providing you the information that is most suitable and relevant to your study, work or live abroad objectives. The information collected about you in this form is for internal purposes only, will be kept confidential & secure at all times, and will not be shared with any other 3rd-party organisation without your explicit consent. When you submit this form to us, you will automatically be sent an email copy containing the same information for your records. For any queries regarding the personal information collected about you, please email us at japan[at]

    DEOW Japan > Schools > EHLE Institute Japanese Language School