Apr 15, 2024

Discovering Opportunities: Your Guide to Scholarships for Studying in Japan

Kon’nichiwa, aspiring scholars!

Are you ready to start an educational journey like no other?


Japan, with its fascinating history, modern technology, and lively culture, welcomes students from all over the world to join its academic community. And what better way to start this journey than by applying for a scholarship at a Japanese university?


Japan is known for its top-quality education and offers many opportunities for international students. These scholarships cover tuition fees, living expenses, and sometimes even travel costs, making studying in Japan more accessible to students from diverse backgrounds.


You’ve likely already heard of the renowned MEXT and JASSO scholarships (you can read more about them here). But what about scholarships offered directly by the universities themselves?

Come along as we learn about what scholarships in Japan can offer and how you can apply for them. Whether you’re interested in science, humanities, engineering, or the arts, there’s a scholarship that can help you achieve your academic goals.


Certain Japanese universities offer scholarships specifically tailored to students to support their studies and living abroad experience. The coverage of scholarships can vary depending on the specific scholarship program and university.


However, here are 6 key areas that scholarships may cover:

  • Tuition Fees: Certain scholarships cover anywhere from half to the full amount of your tuition fees!
  • Living Expenses: A stipend or allowance is often provided to assist with accommodation, meals, transportation, and other living costs.
  • Travel Expenses: Your travel expenses from your home country to Japan may be covered!
  • Textbooks and Study Materials: Funding is available to purchase textbooks, course materials, and other necessary resources for your academic studies.
  • Health Insurance: Your well-being is prioritized, hence many scholarships include comprehensive health insurance coverage.
  • Internship or Study Abroad Opportunities: Scholarships often offer opportunities for students to engage in internships, study abroad programs, or academic exchanges with partner institutions.

It’s important for students to carefully review the details of each scholarship program to understand what expenses are covered and any additional benefits or requirements. Additionally, the availability and coverage of scholarships may vary from year to year, but there is no harm in applying!

So, get ready to learn, explore, and seize the chance to study in Japan. Goodbye to limitations, and hello to

endless possibilities!


DEOW Japan > News > Discovering Opportunities: Your Guide to Scholarships for Studying in Japan