DEOW Japan > J-Test: Test of Practical Japanese

J-Test: Test of Practical Japanese

The Test of Practical Japanese (J-Test) is specially designed for non-native Japanese speakers and is held 6 times a year in Japan. A wide range of universities, graduate schools, specialized schools and companies accept J-Test as proof of Japanese language ability and may exempt you from taking certain exams or courses, or use the scores of the test to make scholarship recommendations.

The J-Test is held 6 times a year. It is divided into 3 levels (A-C Level, D-E Level and F-G Level) and gives detailed evaluation. A-C Level and D-E Level have writing tests, whereas all of the test questions in F-G Level are multiple choice. Formerly, there was a different test called Business J-Test, created for non-native advanced Japanese speakers, but it has merged with J-Test from May 2019.

* The new level and evaluation system for J-Test has begun as of May 2019

Official Names

English: Test of Practical Japanese (J-Test)

Japanese: 実用日本語検定 (じつよう にほんご けんてい / Jitsuyo Nihongo Kentei)



Purpose / Advantages

Evaluate and serve as proof of your practical Japanese language abilities.

Examples of advantages include:

  • Proof of Japanese language ability in certain universities, specialized schools, and graduate schools: Results of the test have multiple advantages such as supporting your applications to Japanese universities, specialized schools, or graduate schools, exempt you from taking certain courses, or qualify you as a scholarship candidate. For a list of institutes and advantages, look here and here.
  • Proof of Japanese language ability for job applications in certain companies: Results of the test can be used as proof of your language skills for companies such as those listed here.




Non-native Japanese speakers / learners.



Testing dates

For dates information, see the J-Test website.

The dates are for the test held in Japan and are taken as reference. Dates and application deadlines outside Japan differ according to testing center and region. Contact the overseas offices for more information.

* Some testing centers may not host on all testing dates.



Testing areas


Testing areas in Japan

Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka, Fukuoka (hosts tests 6 times a year),Sapporo, Sendai, Shizuoka, Kobe, Kyoto, Hiroshima, Takamatsu, Oita, Okinawa (hosts tests 3 times a year in March, July and November)


Testing areas outside Japan

China, Taiwan. Korea, Thailand, Mongolia, Vietnam, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Philippines, Brazil, Nepal



Application process

Taking the test in Japan

You can apply via the Internet, via mail, or in a bookstore.


Applying via the Internet

  • Fill in the online form
  • Pay test fees and additional administrative fees by bank transfer (or pay in designated bookstores)
  • Send necessary documents via mail within 3 days of filling in the online form


Applying via mail

  • Fill out the appropriate application form from the J-TEST website
  • Fill in the application form and send necessary documents via mail
  • Pay test fees and additional administrative fees by bank transfer


Applying in a bookstore You can apply in two bookstores (Tokyo and Osaka) in Japan if you bring the necessary documents.


Tokyo: Nihongo Books (9th floor) 9-9, Sakamachi, Yotsuya Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo

Osaka: Nihongo Books (TAKEKO Building, 3rd floor) 4-4-5, Minami-kyuhouji-machi, Chuo-ku, Osaka city, Osaka 541-0058


Necessary documents:

  • 2 ID photos
  • A copy of a photo ID (Card of proof of residence, passport or driver’s licence)
  • If you are applying via Internet or via mail, you will also need the receipt of the test and administrative fee payment


Taking the outside of Japan

Follow the application guidelines of your testing center and offices.



Subjects and Format

The test is divided into two parts: reading comprehension and listening comprehension.


Reading comprehension

There are 4 sections in the reading comprehension section.

  • Grammar and Vocabulary
  • Reading
  • Kanji
  • Writing (for levels FG, you will be asked to rearrange phrases to form a sentence)


Listening comprehension

  • Photo / picture questions
  • Listening and reading comprehension
  • Responding
  • Conversation / explanation comprehension

Testing time differ according to level.



Levels and Results

There are 3 levels of to this test: AC, DE, and FG. You will receive a mark (A+, A, Pre-A, B, Pre-B, C, D, E, F, G or Fail) according to your score.


Failing marks

You will fail a test if you score below the designated overall score borderline, or is you score 0 in any of the 8 sections of the test.



Official Websites

Official website: (Japanese)

DEOW Japan > J-Test: Test of Practical Japanese